
Stéphane Dreyfus

Dedicating myself to the world: from retreat into full stack development



Stéphane is a full stack developer who grew up in the Bay Area and was fortunate enough to return. He brings years of experience as a teacher and even more years of being a disciplined student to his work and daily practices.

From leading a team in the world of television post production, to traveling the world teaching yoga, meditation and philophy, Stéphane's kindness, clarity, and dedication have followed him into the realm of coding.

Contact Me


floatingrock (at) gmail dot com

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Even More About

Triveni is the company he runs with his wife Jessica


A Python and Flask based social media clone. Write small "warbles" and follow other users to see their warbles. Login here!

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The Student Information System at the Rithm School allows both students and staff to interract meaningfully with Rithm School's complex database. SIS is primarily Python running Django with PostgreSQL. Using Django's generic views I created several student and staff pages: some for the students to be able to monitor their own information as well as see upcoming classes and events, some for staff to be able to see studend details and run queries on the database from the app. I also improved site security writing custom middleware to keep track of user login status, even for add-on views that were not covered by built in middleware. As this is software and the data it accesses is property of the Rithm School I cannot link directly to the app.

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A React front with Node/Express backend app where you can search for and rate movies.

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